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发布时间:2020-02-14 11:52:43 阅读: 来源:护腕厂家

Tom Poppendieck:精益思考是解决客户问题的重要驱动力-CSDN.NET

摘要:Tom Poppendieck 【Csdn.net 9月27专访专稿】 由ThoughtWorks主办,CSDN承办,InfoQ提供票务支持的 第五届敏捷软件开发大会敏捷中国2010 将于10月14-15日在北京新世纪日航酒店举行。会议正式举办前

Tom Poppendieck

【Csdn.net 9月28日专访专稿】由ThoughtWorks主办,CSDN承办,InfoQ提供票务支持的第五届敏捷软件开发大会 敏捷中国2010 将于10月14-15日在北京新世纪日航酒店举行。会议正式举办前夕,CSDN记者邮件采访了企业分析师和架构师、敏捷过程教练Tom Poppendieck,他就敏捷相关话题分享了自己的见解。


Tom Poppendieck:我最开始是一个大学里的物理老师,在那里,我引入了微型电脑,帮助学生学习。之后,我在霍尼韦尔波音777工作,和导航系统打交道。最后,我成为了一名IT顾问,注重于帮助客户解决问题,提供价值的各种方法。

记者:敏捷宣言已经诞生近10年了。 您能回忆下与敏捷宣言的初次接触么?您认为敏捷宣言的发展对软件开发的意义何在?

Tom Poppendieck:我确实不太记得第一次接触敏捷宣言了。在此之前,我接触了各类敏捷方法,包括XP。敏捷宣言是这类思考的一个延续。



Tom Poppendieck:里程碑1: 将测试重新融入到开发流程中;

里程碑2: 将用户体验/UI设计重新融入到开发流程中;

里程碑3: 将商务分析融入到开发流程中



Tom Poppendieck:在大型企业,使用敏捷方法受到的制约来自管理政策,来自组织衡量成功的标准,而不是敏捷开发的技术性问题。在大企业,资金和人员被分配执行大的项目,关注的是功利性的结果,而未能提供增量的迭代解决方案来处理问题,而这才是敏捷方法的目标。敏捷方法不是全新的,但是有效地使用敏捷方法取决于回报的内容及工作流程的组织方式。在大企业,改变是很难的,但在这个竞争的社会,必须进行改变。


记者:您在 敏捷中国2010 中想要分享的内容是?请简要谈谈您的话题?

Tom Poppendieck:我和Mary一起完成了演讲稿。在敏捷中国2010上,Mary将陈述我们的观点,这是我们共同的思考。

记者:您对Ivar Jacobson 和其他人提出的SEMAT有何看法?

Tom Poppendieck:软件开发中,专业性和技能日益增强,这一点很关键。在学校的培养准备,和工作中不断的专业进步,对从事软件行业地工作人员来说都必须再巨大地改进。SEMAT和软件工艺(Software Craftsmanship)运动就是要实现这些目标。这个支持个人自治,个人自主和实现个人目标的最佳方法能够更好地管理驱动创新的内在动力,为我们的客户创造更多的价值。不论是学院派的方法/知识体系(Body of Knowledge)还是工艺方法,其有效性还是要取决于使用的北京和这些方法不断改善的方式。


CSDN: Could you give a brief introduction about yourself to our Chinese readers?

Tom Poppendieck: I started as a physicist teaching in a university, where I introduced minicomputers as a way to help students do their learning. Then I worked on the navigation systems of the Boeing 777 at Honeywell, and eventually became an IT consultant focusing on methods to help customers solve problems and deliver value.

CSDN: It has been nearly ten years since the birth of the Agile Manifesto, could you recall the scene of your initial contact to the manifesto? What influences do you think Agile development have on software development?

Tom Poppendieck: I don t recall my initial contact with the Agile Manifesto. I had been involved with various agile methods before that, including XP, and the Agile Manifesto was a continuation of this line of thinking.

Agile practices have eliminated a lot of waste in software development due to handovers, a focus on utilization, and other practices that disrupt the flow of knowledge and interfere with feedback. Agile thinking has shifted the focus to professionalism and craftsmanship with success measured by the value delivered by the software rather than a focus on creating perfect plans and then executing plans without change.

CSDN: In the decade from the birth of the Agile Manifesto, what events do you think can be characterized as milestone for agile development ?

Tom Poppendieck: Milestone 1: The reintegration of testing into the development process.

Milestone 2: The reintegration of user experience / UI design into the development process.

Milestone 3: The reintegration of business analysis into the development process.

The next step is the integration of software development into the overall product or business process aimed at solving an overall customer problem rather than as a separate technical process, which is where lean thinking will be an important driver.

CSDN: Since you have great experiences in applying agile methods successfully in big enterprises, could you share about what you learned about this with Chinese community? Besides, please tell us whether there are differences between different types of projects (enterprise applications and Internet applications) when using Lean methods?

Tom Poppendieck: In large enterprises, using agile methods is constrained by governance policies, how the organization measures success, rather than by difficulties with the technical practices of agile development. Typical practices for allocating funds and people in large orgainzations drive them to large projects and a focus on utilization at the expense of delivering incremental, iterative solution to problems which is the goal of agile approaches. Agile methods are not new, but using them effectively depends on what is rewarded and how the flow of work is organized. Changing this is difficult in large enterprises, but it is necessary in today s competitive world.

Enterprise applications are often done in a cost center, where the intrinsic motivation and passion of neither the people who organize the work nor the people doing it are connected to the value created by their work. In Internet applications, developers are more often connected directly to the value of their work. Thus it is easier to create short feedback loops for software product development and internet acclimations than for enterprise applications. Successful lean software enterprise applications have discovered that it is necessary to recognize teams for the actual value delivered by the business processes or products their software enables rather than relie on purely extrinsic motivation, rewarding them simply for doing what they are told on time at low cost.

CSDN: What will you share in Agile China 2010 ? Please describe the topics in your talk briefly?

Tom Poppendieck: Mary and I develop our presentations together, and the thinking behind the presentations that Mary will deliver at Agile China 2010 is a joint effort.

CSDN: What your viewpoint toward SEMAT advocated by Ivar Jacobson and others?

Tom Poppendieck: Increased professionalism and skill in software development is critical. Both academic preparation and continuing professional development for practitioners must be dramatically improved. Both the SEMAT effort and the Software Craftsmanship movement are aimed at achieving these goals. The approach that best supports individual autonomy, mastery, and purpose will better harness the intrinsic motivation that will drive innovation and create value for our customers. Whether either an academic style/Body of Knowledge approach or the craftsmanship approach will be effective depends on both context and the way in which these approaches are developed over time.








